Is Daily Detoxification Necessary?

Posted by Jacqui MacNeill on

We live in an increasingly toxic world – chemicals in our environment, clothing, furniture and food can all add up in our bodies. The more we start to accumulate toxins, the more our bodies begin to shut down. You may feel inexplicably tired, have problems with digestion, develop allergies and low-grade infections, feel puffy and bloated, and/or experience mental confusion.

You can take small steps daily to reclaim your health with essential oils and natural, daily detoxification. Some essential oils that can help with detoxification include:

  • Juniper: This oil supports the circulatory system and can help to pump toxins out of the body. It is also a depurative, which means it helps to clean the blood of toxins. Both these properties make Juniper Berry essential oil, a great addition to any daily detox routine.
  • Grapefruit: This oil helps keep your body free of toxins by acting as a diuretic and by supporting the lymphatic system. Both these properties help to remove excess water, fats, sodium, uric acid and other toxins from your body.
  • Cypress: This oil can promote sweating or perspiration helping your body to quickly remove toxins, excess salt and water. Cypress oil also supports the proper functioning of the liver which acts as your body’s natural filter.

By incorporating these essential oils into your daily routine, you can help to detoxify your body naturally and daily. Our Detoxify Collection incorporates the essential oils above, as well as Cedarwood, Clary Sage and Guaranà essential oils.

Whichever detox method you chose, daily detoxification with natural products and essential oils can help facilitate the detox process and put you on the road to optimal health.

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